Outline, Simulation, and Argumentative Brief
Zoom Recording ID: 92571064756
UUID: 9ZVI+1BZSjG7xz1IWrKrYg==
Meeting Time: 2022-02-21 04:15:17pm
Zoom Recording ID: 97947641544
UUID: oYoxrkcuQE2FzVw0OZHJbw==
Meeting Time: 2022-02-21 03:14:30pm
Experiment control code for HW1; Cross-Validation with variations in training set size.
Writing python files that are supercomputer-ready; saving/retrieving experiment state to/from pickle files; command-line execution of experiments
Zoom Recording ID: 92571064756
UUID: WJKgaR+RRBOw4EuRq59Tfw==
Meeting Time: 2022-02-02 04:17:42pm
Python coding for the supercomputer