14:23duration 14 minutes 23 seconds
Module 9, Lecture 1 (Principles of Green…
Module 9, Lecture 1 (Principles of Green Engineering 9-12)Kaltura Capture recording - March 7th 2025, 8:01:30 pm
This module introduces Principles 9 through 12 of…
13:29duration 13 minutes 29 seconds
Partition, Sorption, and Exchange at Surfaces
Lecture 4 Part 4 Sorption
16:07duration 16 minutes 7 seconds
Metals and inorganic metals (Common Hazardous…
Metals and inorganic metals (Common Hazardous wastes)
Lecture 3 Part 3 Metals
05:51duration 5 minutes 51 seconds
7.3 Pre-Class Lecture
05:33duration 5 minutes 33 seconds
1.5 Pre-Class Lecture