Search for tag: "chem3053-001"

Lecture 13 - Conformations of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes [CHEM3053-001]

This video is a part of the lecture course CHEM3053-001 Fall2015 Organic Chemistry-I : Biological Emphasis - by Saravanan Ramasamy (

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From  Saravanan Ramasamy 0 likes 33 plays 0  

Lecture 12 - Alkanes and Cycloalkanes - Nomenclature [CHEM3053-001]

This video is a part of the lecture course CHEM3053-001 Fall2015 Organic Chemistry-I : Biological Emphasis - by Saravanan Ramasamy (

+5 More
From  Saravanan Ramasamy 0 likes 104 plays 0  

Lecture 8 - Resonance Structures - Rules and Patterns - [CHEM3053-001]

This video is a part of the lecture course CHEM3053-001 Fall2015 Organic Chemistry-I : Biological Emphasis - by Saravanan Ramasamy (

From  Saravanan Ramasamy 0 likes 76 plays 0  

Lecture 10 - Acids and Bases - pKa Values and Qualitative Factors [CHEM3053-001 Fall15]

This video is a part of the lecture course CHEM3053-001 Fall2015 Organic Chemistry-I : Biological Emphasis - by Saravanan Ramasamy (

From  Saravanan Ramasamy 0 likes 71 plays 0  

Lecture 9 - Resonance Contributor - Acid Base - pKa Values [CHEM3053-001 Fall15]

This video is a part of the lecture course CHEM3053-001 Fall2015 Organic Chemistry-I : Biological Emphasis by Saravanan Ramasamy

From  Saravanan Ramasamy 1 likes 97 plays 0