02:28:08duration 2 hours 28 minutes
MSW CY Field Training #3
Zoom Recording ID: 2436415554 UUID: SvdzFMKxSVOkK1keWIfvHA== Meeting Time: 2022-01-20 02:45:16pm
02:12:36duration 2 hours 12 minutes
MSW CY Field Training #2
Zoom Recording ID: 2436415554 UUID: cu0L8+59TlK7FF1GBIXW0w== Meeting Time: 2022-01-19 11:19:42pm
56:57duration 56 minutes 57 seconds
Supervision 2.0
The role of the Field Instructor in the social work practicum students' development is central. The Field Instructor is the co-educator that links classroom knowledge and practice experiences.…