Zoom Recording ID: 98848145195
UUID: l5GhZL0YSiWSR4uCromeuw==
Meeting Time: 2023-12-08 05:53:10pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 98848145195
UUID: wTlvTxVOSw6f8xk9spBmAA==
Meeting Time: 2023-12-08 05:19:35pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 96957962148
UUID: /lw2trpGSLeqv3rPAAkXCg==
Meeting Time: 2023-02-19 09:53:02pmGMT
How-to guide for importing components within D2L
Machine Translation; Attention
Homework 4; recurrent neural networks; mathematics of gating
Recurrent neural networks; Jordan Networks; Elman Networks; SimpleRNN
Generators, ImageDataGenerators
Using Jupyter Lab, Building an XOR network
Zoom Recording ID: 92571064756
UUID: ouEzuD5ERzqot2x3mIboIQ==
Meeting Time: 2022-01-28 04:18:12pm
This video summarizes some important aspects of information literacy including types of sources, how and why we use scholarly sources, evaluating sources using the CRAAP and SIFT tests, and looking…
Project 10. Final exam preparation