Zoom Recording ID: 92571064756
UUID: ouEzuD5ERzqot2x3mIboIQ==
Meeting Time: 2022-01-28 04:18:12pm
Zoom Recording ID: 97947641544
UUID: S1Cq4gOcS/qkcJMdujGW5w==
Meeting Time: 2022-01-28 03:28:36pm
Zoom Recording ID: 92536247722
UUID: rsGxmZ7ERA+485KLhE55Lw==
Meeting Time: 2021-11-19 05:40:14am
Controlling Invasive Woody Plants - Managing Callery Pear & Privet
1:30 p.m. Thursday, February 25th, 2021
Two of the most ubiquitous exotic, invasive woody plants in Oklahoma are the…