07:45duration 7 minutes 45 seconds
Amazon Communication
06:45duration 6 minutes 45 seconds
Chapter 8 and Walmart
02:02duration 2 minutes 2 seconds
Introduction Presentation
39:18duration 39 minutes 18 seconds
5813 Strat Comm Live Session Minus Breakout Rooms
Zoom Recording ID: 94301768170 UUID: HLbYPhFGSaWqK+aa9vJ3CA== Meeting Time: 2024-05-16 11:54:08pmGMT
06:56duration 6 minutes 56 seconds
Leadership ch. 14
29:07duration 29 minutes 7 seconds
SAT Primer - MIT 5970 - Singleton
01:25duration 1 minute 25 seconds
Dr. Marilyn Byrd, Leadership in Organization
Today’s employers seek leaders who can thrive within the context of creative and flexible thinking. Employees who can both understand concepts and expand upon them in a variety of new and…