Zoom Recording ID: 94421925248
UUID: tFINk4EHQhaGjlvMMb/k0A==
Meeting Time: 2024-09-03 11:17:01pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 94421925248
UUID: eWqpIfWaQ0OW4jhSrBfvSQ==
Meeting Time: 2024-08-27 11:44:51pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 99196300034
UUID: vhs9RcERSf2LqBlO3VfR1A==
Meeting Time: 2024-05-29 11:53:22pmGMT
Zoom Recording ID: 91549756560
Meeting Time: 2023-11-08 12:07:08amGMT
Meeting hosted by the OU HR Compensation team to discuss the new OU Compensation Guidelines. This meeting also contains a Q&A session at the end.
Interview with Mr. Brian Phillips from ISA. Telesis, Student Journal Elective Class Fall 2022 - Gibbs College of architecture University of Oklahoma Zoom Recording ID: 94164935726
Zoom Recording ID: 91481218228
UUID: hOvtMIC4TrCJjdq2Ws/Npw==
Meeting Time: 2021-12-09 09:53:55pm