Search for tag: "academic"

IBIS Industry Info - 2023

Zoom Recording ID: 4592585404 UUID: P4zuv6CUSval36+8SEi9LA== Meeting Time: 2023-09-19 08:23:17pmGMT

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From  Susan Hahn 0 likes 2 plays

OU Libraries Session for Do You Understand Integrity Classes

Learn about Discover's filtering options and other features that will help you find sources more quickly, two databases that are great for find quality sources for most research topics, and a…

From  Magen Bednar 0 likes 378 plays 0  

Academic Misconduct Tutorial: Quiz 3 Video

The quiz is available in the Academic Misconduct Tutorial in Canvas.

From  Magen Bednar 0 likes 4,183 plays 0  

Academic Misconduct Tutorial: Quiz 2 Video

The quiz is available in the Academic Misconduct Tutorial in Canvas.

From  Magen Bednar 0 likes 8,264 plays 0  

Academic Misconduct Tutorial: Quiz 1 Video

The quiz is available in the Academic Misconduct Tutorial in Canvas.

From  Magen Bednar 0 likes 7,225 plays 0  

SALSA - Creating a Syllabus

SALSA is a tool originally created by the University of Utah but molded and adapted for use at PACS. It contains an easy-to-use interface for creating syllabi. It is located…

From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 5 plays 0  

PACS Portal - Course Workload Estimator

The PACS Portal has a Course Workload Estimator tool that helps to calculate the amount of estimate work a student could be expected to do for the type and amount of assignments given. It is located…

From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 5 plays 0  

PACS Portal - I-Contracts

There is a link to the I-Contracts application from the PACS Portal. It allows faculty to create/manage I-Contracts (Incomplete Contracts) they have for students in their courses. PACS Portal is…

+7 More
From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 1 plays 0  

PACS Portal - Using the rubric template

In the PACS Portal application, there is a rubric template to aid those who wish to create a rubric. This template makes it easier to create rubrics but also aids in importing those rubrics into…

From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 5 plays 0  

PACS Portal - How to create and use a rubric

Rubrics are excellent tools for enhancing student learning. Generally speaking, a rubric is "a scoring guide used to evaluate the quality of students' constructed responses". Although…

From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 7 plays 0  

PACS Portal - Faculty Tools Guide

The PACS Portal Faculty Tools is where a faculty member can go to access the custom tools we've built to help their canvas experience. It is located at: This…

+10 More
From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 13 plays 0  

PACS Portal - Announcements & Calendar

The PACS Portal was created as a central place for Faculty and Staff to go for many helpful tools we developed as well as other resources. It is located at: …

From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 5 plays 0  

Syllabus Tracker - User Guide

Syllabus Tracker is a tool that helps faculty/staff easily locate the syllabi of all past and present online courses that are running. This video created as a user guide for the Syllabus Tracker tool…

+4 More
From  Clsa2056 CLS Academic Technology 0 likes 11 plays 0